FRANCE | The Abode of Chaos

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The Abode of Chaos is located in the middle of a chic neighborhood above the famous city of Lyon. An area where artists can express themselves in a political & artistic way. The owner, Thierry Ehrmann, started the museum in 1999. The house dates from the 17th century and was transformed into a radically transforming piece of art. Quotes can be found all over the site that clash with current politics, huge skulls in a blood pond, burnt out cars, robots that have to present people and graffiti of inspiring but also generally unacceptable people. It looks like a mess gathered together, but it has a structure.

Lyon is not at all happy with The Abode of Chaos and has often brought the owner to court. So far without success. Enough people sign the petition and the monument is still open.

We visited the site on a warm spring day. It doesn’t matter where you look, the whole place is interesting. Beautiful installations, but also things that are experienced as disturbing. The radical statements sometimes disappointed us, but the whole experience is wonderful. If we visit the chaos again at this time, I am sure that we will see or experience completely different things. Entrance is free.